Thursday, October 13, 2011

Don't be Fooled.

You may see them, on Halloween, while you are out with your friends gallivanting around the streets Trick or Treating. Masks are worn by almost every person out on Halloween. People use them to hide an identity, they are used as an escape or a facade to shield their true identity from people. Masks are an interesting thing. 
Halloween is not the time where masks are used. There purpose is not limited to completing or perfecting a costume. Many people use masks in their everyday life. These masks are not pieces of plastic that you can drive and pick up at IParty, these masks are not colorful pieces of paper with feathers glued on to them, and tied to peoples heads. The masks used everyday by people are a different variety. These types of masks are hidden from everyone, you cannot see them simply hanging off peoples faces, they do not show as easily. People hide behind these masks as their own art of pretending. They do not want to be judged or recognized for how they truly feel. These people want you to believe that they have confidence and everything is sunny and unruffled in their lives. A strangers belief in this facade may even convince the person themselves that they are fine. These masks are there also as a protection, while hiding behind them you might start to believe the lies that you show everyone and forget about the world and truth you are hiding from.
Rejection and ridicule are two main things that encourage people to keep their masks. Why would you want to let your feelings pour out, only to be shot down and rejected by your friends? Most people hide behind these masks that they create for themselves because they fear that they may never gain the acceptance and love that they so desperately desire. They believe that their true selves could never be accepted by anyone and they hide behind a fake persona they create for themselves, which they believe people will more willingly accept.
At some point wearing these masks becomes a routine for people. They are so used to pretending that soon they begin to cut themselves out from their friends and the general public. After a period of time from wearing their masks they begin to believe that that is how they must act and letting people understand their true feelings would be a mistake.
The responsibility to help these people then lies on others. For others to realize and recognize these masks when they see them. Do not be fooled by these people because your recognition of these masks may be the thing that help these people understand that there is nothing wrong with being who you really are and letting the world know your true self.


  1. Very interesting post! Fantastic word choice. The way you describe these masks is very captivating. I am a little bit confused. Are these masks make-up? Or are they something else? Also, are you referring to just girls, or everyone in general? Great job!

  2. This post was an interesting read Liz. I was also a bit confused about what you were trying to explain. Are these masks you’re talking about real? Or are you actually talking about real masks?

  3. I really liked this post, it's very relavent to high school kids. I especially liked the part where you talked about how if enough people believe someones mask the person wearing it starts to believe it too.
