Sunday, December 4, 2011

Interview with Sally Girouard!

Sally Girouard's Awesome Story!!

1. What is the moral you are trying to teach through your story?
A. I’m trying to teach that happiness is achieved by oneself and that’s it. No one else but yourself. I am trying to send the message that no matter how happy a person makes you, you cannot rely on them all the time. Unlock your own happiness in short.
2. How do your supportin characters support?
A. My supporting characters mainly set up the seen and help shed light on the moral of my story and my characters personalities.
3. What challenges do you characters face?
A. My character, Ann, not only faces the death of her her mother, but the struggle of finding herself and being herself even without her mother around. Her struggle is internal and overcomes her shyness, ironically, after the death of her mother.
4. What skills and resources do they use to over come them?
A. She uses her heart and mind and will power. She uses memories and examples her mother set for her. She also uses what inspires her to unlock her outgoing personaility..
5. Who is your antagonist? What do they do?
A. The antagonists are her brothers and father who in reaction to her mothers death go about their lives and try to pretend it never happened which was their way of copping. This interfered with Ann's
6. Where does your story take place?
It takes place in Boston.
7. When does your story take place?
I never put thought into that but ill say the 1990's.
8. Is there a love interest?
No, just a bond between mother and daughter
9. What ages are your characters?
Ann is 15 at the beginning of the story but 17 when her mother dies
10. Do you characters go to school?
Yes, she goes to high School. High school however is not her favorite place due to her self conscious and shy attitude.
11. Did you base your story off any real events?
Not directly, but similar, yes.
12. Are your character based off any real people?
You could say that, but not completely. Definitely some characteristics.
13. What age group is your book directed at?
I would say anywhere from 5th grade and older. It has a good lesson.
14. What form is your book?
It is a novel.
15. How do you start off your story?
I start off my story with a scene of Jane and her daughter in a car highlighting the bases of their relationship
16. What are your characters intentions?
My characters intentions are never negative. The intentions of my characters are to fill the hole in their lives and recover. The main goal is to overcome their loss.
17. Are there any big complications?
Yes the biggest one would be breast cancer... Then after that the struggle within to change for the better.
18. Where did you come up with the idea for your story?
I honestly don’t remember, i just was running ideas through my mind and this one was the one i was most passionate about.
19. What are your characters activites?
I don’t really understand how to answer this ....
20. Do they all become friends again?
No one reallt stops being friends. But yes Ann reconnects with her brothers and father.

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